Chapter Three - eBusiness

1. Why has the web grown so dramatically?

The internet allows for a much faster, convenient and easier access to tools that allows any individual not only to become a consumer of information, but a producer and publisher as well. The internet creates for a more interactive communication between people through email and other media. While it's easy use allows for a basic web page to be made with ease and flexibility.

2. What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?

Web 1.0 is controlled by one person and is one-way flow of information through websites which contains read-only material such as Britannica online. However, Web 2.0 is where users can collaborate and build their own content. Examples of Web 2.0 are social networking sites like Facebook, blogs like Twitter, wiki which allows users to contribute and an example which allows users to share content is YouTube. 

3. How could a web 2.0 technology be used in business?

Web 2.0 allows information to be shared throughout the organisation with a much easier access to that information. CEO's of large organisations have started to change from company letters to Blogs. It has allowed them to enhance communication, build trust, supplement press releases and talk from the heart. A content rich blog can enhance the positive image of the company.

4. What is e-Business, how does it differ from e-Commerce?

E-Business: The conducting of business on the internet including, not only buying and selling, but also serving customers and collaborating with business partners. Not only does it cover online transactions, but also extends to all Internet based interactions with business partners, suppliers and customers such as: 
  • selling direct to consumers, manufacturers and suppliers
  • monitoring and exchanging information
  • auctioning surplus inventory
  • collaborative product design. 
These online interactions are aimed at improving or transforming business processes and efficiency.

E-Commerce: The buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.

5. What is pure and partial e-Commerce?

Pure e-Commerce: concerns business whose transactions are largely carried out on the internet.

Partial e-Commerce: concerns business in which a large part of the transaction takes place in the off-line real world.

6. List and describe the various e-Business models?

E-Business model - an approach to conducting electronic business on the Internet.

7. List and describe the major B2B models?

Business to business models applies to business buying from and selling to each other over the Internet.

Sell-Side Model: a Web-based niche marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-catalogs or auctions, frequently over an extranet.

Buyer-Side Model: A corporate based acquisition site that uses reverse auctions, negotiations, group purchasing, or any other e-procurement method.

Selling via Intermediaries: This model is sometimes referred to as a 'hub' or 'exchange'. It is established by an electronic intermediary that runs a marketplace where suppliers and buyers have a central point to come together.

8. Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online?

  • Highly accessible - Businesses can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • Improved information content - In the past, customers had to order catalogues or travel to a physical facility before they could compare price and product attributes. Electronic catalogues and web pages present customers with updated information in real-time about goods, services and prices.
  • Example of an online  Catalogue

  • Protecting Consumers - Consumers must be protected against unsolicited goods and communication. illegal or harmful goods, insufficient information about goods or their suppliers, invasion of privacy and cyber-fraud.
  • Providing security - The internet provides universal access, but companies must protect their assets against accidental or malicious use. Customer information also needs to be protected from internal and external misuse. Also providing safe payment transactions when making purchases online.

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